Ensign The Water Softener Centre Water Softener Maintenance, Salt and Sales from an Independent family run OEM business uninterrupted since 1982 Tel 01672 497272
Mon-Thu 8:00-17:00
Fri 8:00-16:30
Sat 9:00-13:00
site map

Free home site survey and written fixed price quotation available day, evening and weekends

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British Company Established 1982
prices include std delivery and vat
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Location map and Salt collection address

To turn off and isolate your water softener, please click this link.

Ensign - The Water Softener Centre
Unit 6 Hertford Court
Hertford Road
Marlborough Business Park
Nr. Swindon
United Kingdom

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Easy access. Free parking.

Marlborough Business Park How to find us

MON to FRI 8:00am - 5:00pm
SAT closed
SUN closed
Bank holidays closed
24h answerphone at all other times

Sales, Salt, Service & General Enquires:
Telephone: 01672 497272

Find us downloadable map

Park in front of the loading bay to collect your salt. We will load your salt into the boot for you with our to your car service.

Salt collection point
Ensign location map
Tel: 01672 497272
driving directions


salt monitorYou wouldn't drive a car without a fuel gauge would you? Then why own a water softener without a salt monitor... (more)

Ensign established 1982 Ensign established 1982

3-way tapNew 3-way taps for water softeners

orion mini tapHard water mini taps for water softeners

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Ensign - The Water Softener Centre
Unit 6 Hertford Court, Marlborough Business Park, Marlborough, Nr Swindon SN8 4AW,
United Kingdom
Tel 01672 497272