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- the non-salt water softener
Magnetic devices have been around for over 30 years and are not a new item.
In more recent years, electromagnetic devices have joined the affray. New
companies come and go frequently and offer a variation on the same theme.
Characterized by the external coils of wire, their claim is that it is possible
to induce micro nucleus seeds of scale to form in the water stream thereby
reducing the amount adhering to the metal pipes. They do this by creating a tiny
electromagnetic field with simple wires wrapped around the incoming water pipes
in the house.
Although it doesn´t work for everyone, the company has shown in private behind
closed doors that it is possible using a highly sensitive scientific process to
actually measure some degree of nucleus seeds of scale forming. The actual
real-world effectiveness and degree to which this has happened has never been
publicly available and although it is thought to be undetectable to the layman,
the company freely admits that ‘some people are happy with this degree of
world physical effect or just a placebo effect?
Such a gadget may cause the unsuspecting to believe the treatment will improve
their situation; and their belief may produce a subjective perception of a
softening effect. However, the scale still forms and the lather isn't better but that
belief can cause them to feel their situation must have improved. The superfluous
flashing LED´s lights add to the drama and this phenomenon is known as the
placebo effect. It is a well documented physiological effect.
Again and again we are approached by ordinary, intelligent human beings that
have taken the magnetic gadget route. They complain that the scale still forms
and they can´t see any difference with the soaps and lather, saying ‘it's not
like the soft water in Cornwall or Scotland’. They say they are a ‘waste of
money’ and don´t actually do anything’. The shortened money back guarantee
periods offered exacerbates the situation.
It's one of the biggest frustrations we face at Ensign. Continuingly meeting
people who have succumb to the hype and rhetoric of the magnetic and
electromagnetic gadget suppliers. All we can do is be sympathetic and add their
old device to our growing collection of failed gadgets that now covers all the
currently available brands.
The shortcomings of the non-salt ‘water softeners’ gadgets are becoming
increasingly apparent to the public at large who are begining to realise these
products are more psychosomatic than physical.
FACT: As one of our newly converted
customers put it:-
‘The performance of the Ensign water softener has to be seen to be believed.
The other one (electromagnetic gadget) had to be believed to be seen.’
Pyrite, (fools gold) on the left and genuine gold on the right are not the same to the wise. Nobody but a stooge
would recommend a magnetic or electromagnetic gadget when they´ve seen what a genuine salt regenerated water softener does.

wouldn't drive a car without a fuel gauge would you? Then why own a water
softener without a salt monitor... (more) |