Ensign The Water Softener Centre Water Softener Maintenance, Salt and Sales from an Independent family run OEM business uninterrupted since 1982 Tel 01672 497272
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British Company Established 1982
prices include std delivery and vat
You are here > Home > Salt supplies homepage > Free deliveries

See how much 'deliverd free' water softener salt will cost you

how much does free delivery cost you ‘Free salt deliveries’,
that's good isn´t it?

Have you seen those advertisements that claim a ‘free’ salt delivery?

They're everywhere, the buy from us and get your salt delivered free companies.

Tempting isn't it? Maybe they´ve found a miraculous new way for the van drivers, the van itself and the fuel to cost zero, then they've very generously passed on the saving to you the customer with a free salt delivery.

Or just maybe the very real cost of delivery staff, vans and fuel has been included in the price and they are not offering you the chance to get a collection discount price. Maybe they work from home and keep their salt in a rented field, who knows? Either way, they are robbing you the chance to collect your salt at a cheaper price.

Let's be very clear about this, collected salt costs less than ‘delivered free’ salt and ‘delivered free’ means you lose out on the chance of saving £££´s by collecting salt yourself.

Today´s discerning water softener owners are aware that in the commercial world there´s no such thing as a free lunch (or free delivery), but just in case you want some facts, have a look at the figures below: -

collection discounts on salt

tipWe think the 10Kg size is so good we want you to try some when you next purchase your water softener salt. We think you'll like it.


salt monitorYou wouldn't drive a car without a fuel gauge would you? Then why own a water softener without a salt monitor... (more)

Ensign established 1982 Ensign established 1982

3-way tapNew 3-way taps for water softeners

orion mini tapHard water mini taps for water softeners

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Ensign - The Water Softener Centre
Unit 6 Hertford Court, Marlborough Business Park, Marlborough, Nr Swindon SN8 4AW,
United Kingdom
Tel 01672 497272